
Welcome Home

coming back to the Quiet Corner

By Chelsea Baum, Quiet Corner CT, Macaroni Kid Publisher November 28, 2019

There aren't too many places where "welcome home" really means something. Here, in this corner of Connecticut, it means something for me. We are returning to the area as a new little family. The boxes of are packed - albeit haphazardly (in fact I think there's just a box of plastic hangers, another marked RANDOM). We're here. We made it. 

I was surprised last night to realize just how little I have to think about the turns in the roads around town. Most are exactly the same and the muscle memory behind the wheel is completely comforting. So much of the area is just how I remember it. Yet! Now I have arrived with little children and feel rather different myself in navigating new motherhood. What I need and am looking for as a mom in living in this area is very different than when I was a high school student hopped up on Baker's Dozen. I want to show them the Christmas lights, the animals at the nearby farm, the sweet libraries and little restaurants. We want to see family and meet new friends. While I'm excited to move into our new home, I know I'll need to get out of it frequently and do something fun with the babes. That's where I hope Quiet Corner Macaroni can be an asset to my own little family and all the other families like mine. The calendar is filling up with exciting events for all of us to enjoy through these winter months - when the only cure for cabin fever is to leave home! I can't wait to explore it all. 

This week you might enjoy the articles on the Kindness Elf or Hiking During Hunting Season -- that's one I've read twice! I was surprised and a little nervous to realize it was hunting season at the Thompson Dam as I pushed the stroller while dressed in black and a furry hat that sort of looks like a raccoon on my head. Probably need to invest in some neon. 

Since it's a holiday week (happy Thanksgiving, btw! Have you had your leftovers sandwich yet?), there are some events on Friday and many this weekend. Small Business Saturday is here and places like downtown Putnam will be all lit up and ready for holiday shopping. Santa will be at Allen Hill Tree Farm tomorrow and he's swinging by Rotary Park at 4 pm for some hot cocoa to kick off the lighting of the Big Ornament! There's a craft fair at Pomfret Community School on Sunday, free yoga in Woodstock and the Razzle Dazzle Parade! Check our event listings for more info. 

As always, spread the word of Macaroni Kid! Tell your friends to hit subscribe on the homepage! It can be hard to find an aggregate of all the good events in the area and that's where Quiet Corner Macaroni Kid comes in... one stop shop for what to do. Time to start my Christmas music on loop and unpack some boxes!

Thanks again for reading and drop me a line if there's somewhere we should go!