
Learn more about the 2024 CT law on the new deposit bottle fees

Find out how families can decrease their bottle usage with these simple tips

By Rosemary K, Macaroni KID Woodstock Publisher January 2, 2024

Navigating the New Year: Connecticut Families Face Bottle Bill Sticker Shock

On January 1, 2024, Connecticut families noticed a sticker shock when checking out the grocery store if they purchased any bottled beverages that fell under the “bottle bill” initiated in 1980. Over the years, there have been modifications, with the latest a fee increase from five cents to 10 cents. For instance, if you purchase a 24-pack of water bottles for little Suzie’s basketball team, the fee doubles from $1.20 to $2.40.  Last year, the state expanded its list of beverages qualifying for the new increase. Included in the list are sports drinks, energy drinks, and even juices! Click here to learn more.

Hydration Beyond the Hike: Strategies for Tackling Your Family’s Thirst

While this adjustment might raise some eyebrows, Macaroni KID Woodstock wants to shed some light on how you can tackle your family’s hydration routine. Simple yet effective strategies go beyond traditional bottle deposits when keeping your family well-hydrated. Consider investing in refillable water bottles- an eco-friendly option that benefits the environment and offers versatility in beverage choices. Whether individual mixes or homemade concoctions, these bottles become a canvas for your family’s hydration preferences.

Elevating Your Hydration Game: Tips for Sports Enthusiasts and Parent-Coaches

Elevating your hydration game is key for sports enthusiasts, scout parents, and parent coaches. Instead of relying solely on disposable bottles, why not invest in a couple of 5-gallon beverage coolers? This practical solution not only reduces waste but also ensures a constant supply of refreshments during your sports sessions or camping activities.

Scout Mom’s Pro Tip: A Dual Cooler Approach to Optimal Hydration

Here’s a pro tip I used as a scout mom in Washington: Dedicate one cooler for water, promoting the importance of staying well-hydrated. Simultaneously, allocate a second cooler for powered mixes, offering a convenient way to keep your young athletes and scouts fueled and energized.