
Winter's Sweet Side

How to Make Delicious Kid-friendly Snow Ice Cream

By Rosemary K, Macaroni KID Woodstock Publisher January 7, 2024

Snow ice cream was a family favorite when my kids were younger. We had fun making this recipe when they were little, and we lived in Washington. Most kids don't know they can make ice cream with fresh snow! I hope you have fun making this recipe with your kids!

The Ingredients: The beauty of snow ice cream lies in its simplicity. The basic ingredients include fresh snow, sweeteners, flavorings, and a liquid component. Here's a breakdown of the key ingredients:

  • Fresh Snow: The star of the show, fresh and clean snow is the foundation for your ice cream. Collect it in a clean bowl as soon as it falls, or use a large, shallow container to catch the snowflakes.
  • Sweeteners: Sugar is a primary sweetener, and you can choose between granulated sugar, powdered sugar, or even honey for a natural touch. The amount can be adjusted based on your sweetness preference.
  • Flavorings: Vanilla extract is a classic choice, but you can get creative with other extracts like almond, peppermint, or maple. Experiment with your favorite flavors to tailor the snow ice cream to your liking.
  • Liquid Component: Evaporated milk, condensed milk, or regular milk are commonly used to give the snow ice cream a creamy consistency. Choose the one that suits your taste and dietary preferences.

A Simple Snow Ice Cream Recipe: Now, let's dive into a basic recipe to get you started on your snow ice cream adventure:


  • 8 cups of fresh, clean snow
  • 1 cup of milk (evaporated, condensed, or regular)
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  1. Collect fresh snow in a large bowl or container.
  2. Mix the milk, sugar, and vanilla extract in a separate bowl until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Pour the milk mixture over the snow and gently combine the ingredients until well combined.
  4. Continue folding until the mixture reaches a soft, ice cream-like consistency.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy your homemade snow ice cream!

Creative Variations: Experiment with different toppings and mix-ins after mastering the basic recipe. Crushed cookies, chocolate chips, or fruit can add extra flavor and texture to your snow ice cream.

Snow ice cream is not just a tasty winter treat; it's a connection to the joy and wonder of the season. So, the next time the snow falls, gather some fresh flakes and embark on a culinary journey to create your own delightful batch of snow ice cream. Share this simple pleasure with friends and family, and embrace the winter wonderland that unfolds in your bowl.

Whether you're a winter enthusiast or just looking for a fun and delicious activity, making snow ice cream is a delightful way to savor the magic of snowflakes in every bite. Enjoy the frosty sweetness of this timeless treat and create lasting memories with each snowy scoop.

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