
Glowing up! Navigating and understanding your tweens skin care routine

Part 2: Skincare routine

By Rosemary K, Macaroni KID Woodstock Publisher January 28, 2024

Part 2: Skincare Routine

Check out the first article here if you missed part 1 of our 4-part series

Tweens and Teens are well aware of what they want— healthy-looking skin. The first thing you should do as a parent is make sure they’re taking the right steps, and part of that may mean reaching out to a professional like a dermatologist. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction. 

If you can’t get access to a dermatologist, then the next best thing is creating a skincare routine that includes the following:

  • Choose a facial cleanser that is non-abrasive and contains no alcohol. Have your child follow the directions on the bottle to ensure best practices. Be sure they’re not scrubbing or using something rough on their skin to avoid irritation. 
  • After cleansing the face with a cleanser, have your child gently pat dry with a soft towel.
  • Next, your child can apply an age-appropriate moisturizer. Ensure that there are no Retinol or other active ingredients that could harm your child’s skin. 
  • Finally, apply a gentle type of sunscreen, even during winter months or cloudy days. An SPF of at least 30 is recommended for the best results to prevent skin cancer. 

Tweens and teens only need to wash their faces twice a day and more if they have excess sweat. Avoid products with fragrances, harsh chemicals, and oils. 

Other ways to maintain healthy skin for tweens and teens

Another way to keep tween and teens skin healthy is to eat a balanced diet. Ensuring they’re eating enough fruits and vegetables and reducing the amount of sugar intake can ensure your tween and teen are not putting unhealthy things into their bodies. 

Regular exercise is also a good way to help tweens and teens keep their skin healthy. 40-60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise will help most tweens and teens maintain healthy habits. The intensive exercise can aid tweens and teens by removing toxins from the body and creating better circulation, leading to healthier skin.   

For additional information, refer to your pediatrician or dermatologist.

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